Mar 03

NamRa Talks competition event

By: Jeronimo Nghilunanye Kateya (news intern)

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) hosts NamRA Talks Competition Event today at the National Theatre of Namibia in Windhoek. The purposes was to create an awareness on taxpayers to be faithful tax compliance. Information regarding tax compliance and education was passed on through competition with ten participants. These participants proceeded from various institutions of high learning whose knowledge emanated from various school of thoughts such as the school of law, school of economics etc.

On her topical presentation based on the impact of counterfeit goods on National Economy (NE), Wilhelmine Ndungula came at first place and walked away with 10 thousand Namibia dollars. She said, the disadvantages of counterfeit goods lead to declining in government tax revenue due to substitution effects, loss of profits for local producers due to unfair competition and consequently reduction in investment. She further gave a bird’s eye-view on advantages saying that counterfeit good act as a source of income and that it can create job creation and additionally can cause rise in digital economy. Besides, in her conclusion, Ndungula recommended the launch of Code of Good Practices, approval of DBN to qualify skilled entrepreneurs and emphasized finally the importance of access to education and information awareness since counterfeit goods undermines the Intellectual Property Rights.

The Guest Speaker of the day is the CEO of the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA), Vivienne Katjiuongua. In her presentation, Katjiuongua emphasized the importance of Intellectual Property (IP). She said, “the future of economy lies in the IP and Commercialization.” She added that there is a need of legal framework to protect IP. She reminded the audience that BIPA was established to facilitate the translation of businesses and to protect their innovation.

The event was spearheaded by the Chief Strategic Communications and Support Engagement, Yarukeekuro Ndorokaze. In the audience were Junias Kandjeke, Commissioner Sam Shivute, Tonateni Shidhudhu, Kazembire Zemburuka etc.