Aug 24

FNB Namibia’s Continued Contribution to Education

Press Release

FNB Namibia through the FirstRand Foundation has donated school uniforms and shoes to learners of Da Palm Secondary School, Otjimbingwe.

“One of the Foundation’s main priorities is to promote the provision of high-quality education to all children, especially those from disadvantaged homes, to ensure that Namibia develops into a powerful and capable nation. Having clean school uniform might not be a big deal to many but it can be an equalizer of economic differences between students that would otherwise be more apparent.  School uniforms can instil a feeling of community among students which could ultimately improve discipline.” says FNB Karibib Branch Manager, Uavirikiza Katjivena.

Katjivena continued, “On a daily basis, we cross paths, watch, and meet children as they make their way to and from school. Many of them walk barefooted or have worn out shoes that barely cover their feet. They step into stagnant water containing all sorts of dangerous germs and objects, rocky roads, some of which have broken bottles, thorns, and other harmful items and on a cold day stepping on cold hard rough surfaces.”

With the donation of school shoes and uniforms, FNB Namibia is confident and certain that the scholars will be able to enjoy their education journey and be reminded that there is hope out there and a possibility of a better future.

The hope is that this donation will go a long way in motivating our young scholars towards the realisation of their dreams.

One of the FirstRand Foundation’s main priorities is to promote the provision of high-quality education to all children, especially those from disadvantaged homes, to ensure that Namibia develops into a powerful and capable nation. Uniforms can downplay economic differences between students that would otherwise be more apparent. With this in mind, the Foundation continues to encourage other partners to come on board and/or increase their support towards educational initiatives in the country and the benefits thereof.